posted by Randy on 3/20/13 leave a comment

The key to a good spring cleaning is to not overwhelm yourself so much that you put the entire cleaning project off for another day. Instead, try to organize the cleaning so that you tackle different sections of the house at once or different types of cleaning at the same time. When you have the duster out to clean the ceiling fans and nick-knacks it’s a good time to hit the plants and bookshelves. For the more strenuous task, hire a professional.
Here’s a list of just a few of the basic tasks to get you started.
In the Kitchen:
Empty out the refrigerator and the freezer. Clean all shelves
Vacuum under the fridge around the coils behind the grill.
Wipe the top of the fridge off.
Wipe down all of the seals around the doors.
Clean the inside of the microwave. Hint ~ Heat up a cup of water for a couple of minutes to build up some steam first…it makes cleaning much easier.
In the Bedroom:
Clean out those closets. Don’t hold back…if you haven’t worn it in a few years, you probably aren’t going to start now. Get everything out of the closet and thoroughly vacuum the far corners.
Flip over and turn your mattress. While you’re at it, move the bed frame out of the way and vacuum away the dust under it. You might even find that old, missing sock you lost last year.
Take the comforter or bedspread to the cleaners.
Donate all those old toys your kids haven’t played with in years. Use blocks of cedar helps keep the moths away and things smelling fresh.
Dust and wipe down all of the ceiling fans in house.
Take your screens down, hose them off outside and wipe them down with warm soap and water.
Dust your lampshades.
Remove all of the cushions and pillows from your couch and chairs and vacuum this out. You might even find some money here!
Clean your windows inside and out.
Wipe down the tops of all door frames.
Test all of your fire alarms and change the batteries if needed.
Change the filters on your air conditioner.
Get new entry mats at every entrance.
Use a magic eraser to get those pesky scuff marks off of walls.
Remove and clean all the faucet aerators.
Change the pollen filter in your car.
Change the shelf liners in your drawers
Most importantly:
Once the dust has settled, have your carpets thoroughly cleaned. ( Carpet cleaned, area rugs, upholstery, draperies and so on )
Carpet cleaning can be a DIY task, but is highly recommended by all carpet manufactures to have them professionally cleaned by an expert. The best way to locate an expert carpet cleaning company is through , who has a data base of all certified cleaning companies such as Carpet Technologies of Spring Hill TN, Franklin TN & Brentwood TN specializes in carpet cleaning, area rug cleaning and upholstery cleaning. When you hire a certified carpet cleaning company like Carpet Technologies, you’ll have the confidence and trust that the job will be done right.
Donate anything you don’t want or can’t use.
If you find something you haven’t seen in years or forgot you had…chances are you don’t need it.
Start from the top and work your way down. Vacuum the dust that has settled from your marathon dusting session.
Remember that a clean home makes for a healthy home. And you & your family can breath easier knowing that everything is clean.
Call Carpet Technologies @ 615-972-1441 or visit us at
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